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Search within 5km of NY34075110 gives 17 results: Open Map [Experimental!]
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FBNealhouseNY340751100m85 E315 BMUnknown
FBCardewlees FarmNY354651151.3km85 E315 BMUnknown
FBThursbyNY323950451.8km85 E315 BMUnknown
CastleCardew HallNY 336949102km85 OL05N CASTimber Castle - Masonry Ruins/Remnants
WebpageUtopian CumbriaNY3605002.2km85 E315 OL05N WEB 
FBBankend BridgeNY314850912.5km85 E315 BMUnknown
FBDalstonNY368550302.8km85 E315 BMUnknown
CastleBishops DykeNY 373051603.2km85 E315 CASUncertain - Cropmarks/Slight Earthworks
PillarGreat OrtonNY 32141 540463.5km85 E315 TUKSecondary-Good
CastleDalston HallNY 376751553.6km85 E315 CASPele Tower - Major Masonry Remains
FBLow WhinnowNY303950873.6km85 E315 BMUnknown
FBOrchard HouseNY375649683.7km85 OL05N BMUnknown
CastleGreat Orton DykeNY 327454733.8km85 E315 CASUrban Defence - Cropmarks/Slight Earthworks
WebpageUtopian CumbriaNY3014994.1km85 OL04N OL05N WEB 
PillarBrownelsonNY 38414 523384.5km85 E315 TUKSecondary-Definitely missing
FBPow BankNY385849984.6km85 OL05N BMUnknown
FBShaw RiggNY293751084.7km85 E314 E315 BMUnknown

Search within 5km of NY34075110 gives 17 results:

Datasets Statistics BM CAS WEB TUK

CASList by Wizard4
WEBWeb Results2
 Total Shown (of 17):17
Seperate Clusters Identified : 17   Information about these datasets
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