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Search within 5km of ST771582 gives 10 results: Open Map [Experimental!]
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Webpageswuklink: Blackford, Somerset   ST7715820m172 E142 WEB 
FBLimpley StokeST780560582.5km172 E155 BMGood
FBLimpley StokeST779560912.8km172 E155 BMUnknown
PillarBaggridge FarmST 74495 567073km172 E142 TUKSecondary-Good
FordWellowST7415803km172 E142 WRSomerset
CastleFarleigh Hungerford CastleST 800957593km172 173 E142 E143 E156 CASMasonry Castle - Masonry Ruins/Remnants
PrehistoricChambered long cairnST 730956934.2km172 E142 HIS 
FBWoolvertonST791454174.5km183 E142 BMUnknown
CastleStoney LittletonST 726056544.7km172 E142 CASTimber Castle - Cropmarks/Slight Earthworks
TransmitterWestwoodST8175974.8km173 E143 E156 RADMendip Television Transmitter

Search within 5km of ST771582 gives 10 results:

Datasets Statistics BM CAS WEB TUK RAD HIS WR

CASList by Wizard2
WEBWeb Results1
RADBBC Database1
 Total Shown (of 10):10
Seperate Clusters Identified : 10   Information about these datasets
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