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Search within 5km of SU271714 gives 21 results: Open Map [Experimental!]
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FordRamsburySU2717140m174 E157 WRWiltshire
FordRamsburySU271713 [Diff]100m174 E157 WRWiltshire
FBRamsburySU27477172489m174 E157 BMDestroyed
PillarAldbourne GorseSU 26356 739732.6km174 E157 TUKSecondary-Damaged
MilestoneFroxfieldSU 2714 67873.5km174 E157 MILmilestone,London to Bath (Wiltshire)
CastleLewisham CastleSU 243773803.6km174 E157 CASTimber Castle - Earthworks
MilestoneFroxfieldSU 2874 67983.7km174 E157 E158 MILmilestone,London to Bath (Wiltshire)
TransmitterAldbourneSU2627523.9km174 E157 RADHannington Television Transmitter
MilestoneLittle BedwynSU 2559 67753.9km174 E157 MILmilestone,London to Bath (Wiltshire)
WalkAldbourne - Liddington Castle - Upper Upham - AldbourneSU2657564.2km174 E157 WWLength:12
WebpageList of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) in the United KingdomSU3137044.3km174 E158 WEB 
PillarCombe Farm ResrSU 23501 690074.3km174 E157 TUKSecondary-Good
FBAldbourneSU2637584.4km174 E157 BMGood
PillarCrooked SoleySU 31575 719634.5km174 E158 TUKSecondary-Good
MilestoneLittle BedwynSU 2443 67764.5km174 E157 MILmilestone,London to Bath (Wiltshire)
MilestoneFroxfieldSU 3024 68034.6km174 E158 MILmilestone,London to Bath (Wiltshire)
CastleMembury Chapel MeadowSU 303574904.7km174 E158 CASFortified Manor House - No Visible Remains
MilestoneLittle BedwynSU 2399 67744.8km174 E157 MILmilestone,London to Bath (Wiltshire)
FBLittle FrithSU239967734.8km174 E157 BMProbably destroyed
FBChilton FoliatSU3197064.8km174 E158 BMGood
PillarEast SoleySU 31930 721814.8km174 E158 TUKSecondary-Unknown

Search within 5km of SU271714 gives 21 results:

Datasets Statistics MIL BM TUK CAS WR WEB WW RAD

CASList by Wizard2
WEBWeb Results1
RADBBC Database1
 Total Shown (of 21):21
Seperate Clusters Identified : 20   Information about these datasets
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