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Triangulation Pillar   Triangulation Pillars

The concrete pillars installed 1935-1962 - that are now a familiar part of our nations countryside. The are situated within line of sight of each other so that accuate measurements can be made. They usually sport a uniquly numbered FB which is what make them collectable.
Name (and link)Coverage [6550]Map
Trigonomy - Yahoo Group [6546]Map
  Extinctions.xls (Trigonomy) [534]Map
  DatesBuilt.xls (Trigonomy) [591]Map
OSBM - MSN group [Live]Map
Chris n Maria's Trig Point List [6282]Map
Triangulation Pillar Waypoints [6557]Map
GRP's Landrangers List [7488]Map
Passive Station Database [224]Map
FB Listing [6510]Map
Wall Flush Bracket   Wall Flush Brackets

FB's are used as an exact marker of height. They were installed along levelling lines, which criscross the country to form a netword of precisly measures locations. (most Trig points also sport a FB, but arent included in this list)
Name (and link)Coverage [10126]Map
OSBM - MSN group [Live]Map
NPFB_MSN.xls [1858]Map
2GL Transcription [3073]Map
FB Listing [462]Map
Passive Station   Passive Stations

Passive Stations replace (or in somecase reuse) Trig Pillars and FBM's, to give accurate markers for use in the modern era of GPS measurement
Name (and link)Coverage
Passive Station Database [576]Map
FBM List [110]Map [541]Map
Fundamental Bench Mark   Fundamental Bench Marks

FBM's form the main junctions of the Levelling networks, to give an even more permentant record of height. They are installed in locations unlikely to be disturbed by man or nature.
Name (and link)Coverage
FBM List [199]Map
Passive Station Database [83]Map [200]Map [198]Map
2GL Transcription [212]Map
Tide Guages

A network of Guages installed around the coastline to monitior Sea Level Change.
Name (and link)Coverage
FBM List [130]Map
Hill   Hills

Included in this database are the major hills, useually ones that have been given a classification such Munro, Hewitts or County Tops.
Name (and link)Coverage
Database of British Hills [3319]Map
UK Hills Database [2490]Map
The Mountains of England and Wales [1113]Map
Geocache   Geocaches

Geocaches are small containers dotted around the country for other GPS users or geocachers to hunt for and usually swap small items.
Name (and link)Coverage
UK Geocache Database [Live]Map
Photo   Photos

Photos taken as part of a national project to photograph every grid square
Name (and link)Coverage [Live]Map
Milestone   Milestones

Usually stone markers at the side of the Road, used to provide distances to comman destiniations, now largely replaced my modern maps and GPS.
Name (and link)Coverage [1103]Map [240]Map

Ports around the GB Coast
Name (and link)Coverage [807]Map
Lighthouse   Lighthouses
Name (and link)Coverage [1114]Map
Castle   Castles

Details of many Castles including ones with little visible remains
Name (and link)Coverage
List by Wizard [4609]Map
Motorway Junction   Motorway Junctions

A list of moterway junctions, useful to know how to get to a location
Name (and link)Coverage
Motorway Junctions [574]Map
Folly   Follys

Monuments or buildings built for no other reason than its possible!
Name (and link)Coverage [280]Map
Historic   Historics
Name (and link)Coverage
MapperGB [1026]Map
Megalith   Megaliths

Acient monuments and stone circles to be found arround the country
Name (and link)Coverage [Live]Map
Megalithic Walks [365]Map [124]Map
Walk   Walks

Records the starts of a number of interesting walks around the country.
Name (and link)Coverage [1862]Map
Ford   Fords

Locations of some of the most interesting locations where rivers cross roads.
Name (and link)Coverage [1638]Map
Name (and link)Coverage [1333]Map
Mine   Mines

A small list of Slate Mines in North and Mid Wales
Name (and link)Coverage
Slate Mines [48]Map
Radio Transmitter   Radio Transmitters

Database of Radio and Television Transmitters - they are often a prominent landmark so can be useful for navigation, also use to align you receiver aerial.
Name (and link)Coverage
BBC Database [1453]Map
Web Results

An experiment of search engine that attempts to index webpages by Grid References contained in them!
Name (and link)Coverage
Web Results [20974]Map
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