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Search within 5km of SJ158429 gives 25 results: Open Map [Experimental!]
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TransmitterGlyndyfrdwySJ1584290m125 E255 E256 E258 RADMoel-y-Parc Television Transmitter
WebpageNational Gazetteer of Wales - Place Name Index Full ListingSJ14422km125 E255 E256 E258 WEB 
WebpageNational Gazetteer of Wales - Place Name Index Full ListingSJ18432.2km125 E255 E256 E258 WEB 
CastleHendom MoundSJ 135742982.2km125 E255 E256 E258 CASTimber Castle - Earthworks
WebpageNational Gazetteer of Wales - Place Name Index Full ListingSJ18442.4km125 E255 E256 E258 WEB 
PillarMoel MorfyddSJ 15967 457642.8km116 E255 E256 E258 TUKSecondary-Slightly damaged
WebpageNational Gazetteer of Wales - Place Name Index Full ListingSJ18412.9km125 E255 E258 WEB 
CastleOwain Glyndwrs HouseSJ 127543093km125 E255 E256 E258 CASFortified Manor House - Earthworks
CastleOwain Glyndwrs MountSJ 125343133.2km125 E255 E256 E258 CASTimber Castle - Earthworks
WebpageUni Hiking Network - Mountain Lists: Bagging Charts: marilynsSJ1764654km116 E255 E256 E258 WEB 
WebpageThe Welsh Marilyns ListSJ1764654km116 E255 E256 E258 WEB 
WebpageTACit Tables: The Hewitts and Marilyns of WalesSJ1764654km116 E255 E256 E258 WEB 
HillMoel y GamelinSJ1764654km116 E255 E256 E258 BRHHgt: 577m
WalkLlantilio Picnic Site - Horseshoe Falls - Llangollen Canal - Dalle Crucis Abbey - Velvet Hill - Llantilio Picnic SiteSJ1994324.1km125 E255 E256 E258 WWLength:3
FBFfynnon-lasSJ195741104.1km125 E255 E256 E258 BMGood
WebpageNational Gazetteer of Wales - Place Name Index Full ListingSJ20434.2km117 125 E255 E256 E258 WEB 
FBFoelSJ201242294.3km117 E255 E256 E258 BMGood
WebpageNational Gazetteer of Wales - Place Name Index Full ListingSJ19464.4km116 E255 E256 E256 E258 WEB 
WebpageNational Gazetteer of Wales - Place Name Index Full ListingSJ14474.4km116 E255 E256 E258 WEB 
FBAbbey Grange HotelSJ2014464.6km117 E255 E256 E258 BMGood
TransmitterLlangollenSJ2044214.6km117 E255 E256 E258 RADMoel-y-Parc Television Transmitter
CastleBryneglwys CastleSJ 145047404.6km116 E256 E258 CASUncertain - No Visible Remains
FBPentrefelin MillSJ205043664.7km117 E255 E256 E258 BMUnknown
WebpageNational Gazetteer of Wales - Place Name Index Full ListingSJ11434.8km125 E255 E256 E258 WEB 
PillarFoelSJ 18791 390994.8km125 E255 E258 TUKSecondary-Good

Search within 5km of SJ158429 gives 25 results:

Datasets Statistics WEB CAS BM TUK RAD WW BRH

WEBWeb Results11
CASList by Wizard4
RADBBC Database2
BRHDatabase of British Hills11
 Total Shown (of 25):25
Seperate Clusters Identified : 25   Information about these datasets
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