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KML TOOLS: KML shortlinks | KML Intersect | Sort KML | Geographical Grouping | Add elevations | RSS to KML | Project Point

This page will help you create a new 'embed' for a KML or a Google My Map. Because its built with the Maps API directly, you get much customization options. Once copied the HTML to your server, you course free to continue to tweak as required! We only provide the starting point.

KML/KMZ URL -or- a link to a new Google My Map

Auto-zoom to KML extent -or- Center/Zoom:
Center: Latitude: Longitude: Zoom: (0=world, 18=street level)
Options (there is much more possible via the API, these are just some examples to get started)
Add Automatic Directions Link to Infowindows
Add Live Traffic Layer to Map
Add Transit Layer to Map
Add Bicycling Layer to Map
Signed-in Map about
Disable default UI
Disable Pan Control
Disable Zoom Control
Disable Map Type Control
Disable StreetView Control
Enable Scale Control
Enable OverviewMap Control
Disable Map Dragging
Disable Double Click Zoom
Disable Scroll Wheel Zooming
API Key: (optional, but recommended - read more)
HTML snippet to go in container page (can change the height/width of the iframe to taste)
HTML to be saved as "embed.html"

Open map in larger window