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KML Intersect tool - BETA

... Takes TWO KML files, once containing points, and another arbitary locations. Produces a new KML that has the Points (from first file) sorted into folders as per the features in second file. For example if the second file is collection of 'area' polygons, the points will grouped by which of the area/s they are in.

An interesting option, the second file can actully be points, and the program will automatically create a circle area for it. This way can find 'nearest' points to known points, rather than having to create areas.

Points KML File: Should contain POINT Placemarks[2].
   Folders and other types of features IGNORED.
   The points need actual coordinaes (in <Point><coordinates>), Placemarks defined with <address> wont work.

Area KML File: Should contain either POLYGONs or POINTs Placemarks[3].
   Only the outer boundary/ies will be used, inner 'holes' ignored. The features require a <name>

... if the area file contains POINTs, please enter a buffer radius: meters (max 50,000m)

Include the area polygon in the Folder (so could view JUST the new file to see areas and points together) [4]

Only include the point in the FIRST area it intersects (rather than all of them!)

- After clicking send please be patient can take a long time, there is no progress indication!

[1] However with enough interest will consider lifting any of these restrictions, but might add output as KMZ to save bandwidth, but that will be transparent to you, the end user.

[2] Only the <coordinates> inside <Point> are read, although the whole <Placemark> (including any linked <Style>s) will be duplicated.

[3] Will either read the <Point> and create a 'virtual' Polygon, or will read the <LinearRing>(s) in the <Polygon> and/or <MultiGeometry> (although currently ignores any inside <innerBoundaryIs>) - if <MultiGeometry> contains a <Point> it will be ignored!

[4] if use points in second file, the Point Placemark will get transformed into a new Polygon in the output.

*** It works for me but your milage may vary! Use at your own risk, no garentee is offered. ***

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